Friday, February 03, 2006


We all continue to be impressed with how well written "Dial M..." is. When reading the play, you think, "My God! This dialogue is endless. The audience will be bored stiff." But on it's feet, the scenes fly by and are so densely packed with important information that it never gets dull. Not for a moment. Obviously, this is why the play is still being produced 50 years later.

We will finally have our set on Monday. Yay !!!! It won't get moved in until Sunday (our day off) because it's coming from Theatre Aquarius production of "Dial M..." which doesn't close until Saturday. It will be nice to function within the walls, the world of the play. Until then, we're spending our time breaking scenes down into the tiniest moments, Fine tuning, tweaking, adjusting. Adding the light and shadow to the big picture.

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