Saturday, February 04, 2006


I've been on a rant recently about families that can't be bothered to be conscious of the environment. I get particularly cranky when they give the excuse that they 'just don't have time.' Now, I say families on purpose because I am continually stunned by all the time and energy that parents put into preparing for their children's future, yet continue to happily pollute, pillage and disregard the very earth that their children will inherit. I get even more cheesed as I methodically separate my recycling every week, scour office supply stores for unbleached, recycled paper, check the ingredients on house-hold cleaners for harmful ingredients etc. etc. I don't have, nor will I ever have children to pass the planet on to. So why am I doing all this work for those of you that can't be bothered? Granted, I know there are those of you out there who are concerned and who are doing something about it. Even the small things count. I fear, however, that you are the minority. I've actually heard people say, "It's not my problem, I'll be dead", and then they go happily on consuming & polluting, consuming & polluting.

And here's the ridiculous thing...It's not hard to make smarter, more ecologically sound choices, you just have to give a shit. If you were really interested in the long-term well being of your offspring, you would live by that old saying: "We don't inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children."

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