Sunday, February 12, 2006


Apparently, yesterday's matinee was sold exclusively to those suffering from TB & Whooping Cough. I mean MY GOD! I was always taught that it is simple politeness and consideration to, not only cover your mouth, but to muffle the cough as best you can when you're in a public place. These people seemed to be trying to out do each other. One large woman had a fit that lasted a good 8 or 9 minutes, forcing James and I to speak louder than her coughs in order to be heard. But did she heave her corpulent bulk out of her chair to go to the lobby. NO. She made an entire theatre full of people listen to her. AND SHE WAS SITTING ON THE AISLE !!!

Then, the evening show was the talkers. Now normally, I don't mind a little excited chatter, especially in a show like "Dial M..." where they are trying to work it out. But then there's the people who insist on being chroniclers of the obvious. "Oh look, he's got the key now". "Hey, she's opening her purse". This is not a video and you are not on your couch in your underwear, though perhaps that would be the best place for you if you can't, out of consideration for the rest of the audience, shut your big fuckin' yap !!!

Today, just for a change of pace, we have the polite audience who aren't making a single, solitary sound. Except of course for Grandpa, who has no idea how loud he's speaking because he's deaf. "Dead? Whaddya mean he's dead? He's still breathin'. That blanket's goin up an down." Really? Well, sadly, they did away with the practice of actually killing an actor for every performance. Though some days I'd volunteer for the job.

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