Wednesday, February 08, 2006


No matter how confident anyone might feel, no matter how happy your director may be, no matter how secure you are....the fear that "THEY" won't like it always looms slightly out of sight, behind your shoulder. Also, when your first audience is at 2:00 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, the chances of doing the show for a batch of bussed-in-blue-hairs is very, very high. After all, who else goes to theatre on a Wednesday afternoon?

Happily, our audience had a sprinkling of younger folk, but regardless of their age, they were eating up every word of the play. "DIAL M..." isn't a show where you can sit back and let it wash over you. You need to listen and invest some patience in the early scenes in order to get the pay-off as everything spirals out of control in act 2. And invest they did. Sooooo gratifying to hear the 'oohs' and 'aahs' and excited whispers as bits of information come to light. And our director said they were beaming with excitement as the lights came up at the end of act 1. Now if I could just send someone into cardiac arrest with the intensity of my murder scene, my job will be complete.

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