Saturday, March 05, 2011


It's been a long, tiring road getting to our first week of preview audiences, but we've made it. A few battle scars, a little weary, but we're almost at the end of our first week of actual audiences. Thankfully, the people that bought tickets to these, our very first public performances, are the people that really, really want to see the show and you can feel their excitement buzzing on the other side of the curtain. The particularly enthusiastic crowds will often break into spontaneous applause four or five times during the opening number ! The cast members that have done the show before tell me that THAT is part of the magic of The Lion King experience, and that it happens so often that one starts to expect it.

Because my body and my brains are functioning on what tiny reserves of energy I have left, this will be a, necessarily brief blog posting. I did, however, want to re-introduce you to Lavina who plays my number-1 Major Domo, the bad-ass hyena, Shenzi.

Here she is singing one of the tunes that helped put her in the top 12 finalists on Australian Idol. The girl can bring it !!!!

Also, I wanted to share the eccentric and extravagant bouquet that Kathi sent me via her hair-dresser, Douglas, who is on a trip to this part of the world.

Kathi had asked if there was anything from Canada that I needed and offered Douglas as her mule. I explained about the necessity of good, old-fashioned Q-tips because of digging make-up out of my ears so they became an integral part of the bouquet!

Two more shows today, press night on Wednesday (9th) and official opening night on Thursday (10th). So close...

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