Monday, November 08, 2010


My closing weekend flowers, sent by the cats.

And suddenly, in what seems like the blink of an eye, it's over. In reality it was only 15 performances, but when you're in the middle of it, (or climbing the gigantic mountain at the beginning of it) the end seems much further away.

After our excitement with the non-responsive revolve earlier in the week, the closing weekend ran pretty smoothly. Our closing day crowds were pretty typical. The matinee audience was large, boisterous, responsive and quick to laugh. The evening crowd was small, shy, slow on the up-take and required a lot of effort on our part to get the smallest laugh out of them. Still, both performances were good. As I said to Jamie a few days earlier, "The quietest, dullest audience in the world can't diminish my enjoyment of doing the show with you."

It is the tradition of StageWest to formally pass the stage over to the in-coming show by making an announcement to the audience. We decided to split up the closing duties. I announced the next show, a musical revue called "Motown Gold", and Jamie did the 'thank you's'. He thanked StageWest, he thanked the waitstaff and our crew, and then he added, "And I'd like to thank this great actor, Patrick Brown, for coming in for the final two weeks." Thank you, Jamie. Very generous and much appreciated.

I've been telling Jamie for days that, when he gets home, his own bed is going to feel soooooo good. I know he's at the airport right now, anxiously awaiting his departure. As we were leaving the theatre last night, he stuck the last post-it note from the count-down calendar Kira had made him onto his coat, and then posed for a quick picture with my dad.

Jamie & Geo
The post-it note says "HOME TIME"

It was a lot of work for a short gig, but I loved it all and feel blessed to have had the chance.
Thanks for thinking of me, Kira.

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