Saturday, November 06, 2010


Kira made an countdown calendar for Jamie out of post-it notes and stuck it to the mirror in his dressing room. It's kind of like an Advent Calendar but, instead of, "how many sleeps until Christmas", this one is for counting, "how many sleeps until I get to go home".

It seems odd for me to be counting down to the finish when I haven't even been performing the show for two weeks yet, but Jamie has been doing it for months and is looking forward to sleeping in his own bed again.

Here he is tearing off the "4" sticker after Friday night's show.

And on a completely unrelated note....

When I went to Theatre Calgary the other night to see Jan Alexandra-Smith performing in "Lost - A Memoir", I was instructed by the parentals to get a photo of the Winnipeg cast of 'Drowsy Chaperone' (soon to be appearing at TC) who have become the poster children for Theatre Calgary's season. Here we are at the front doors of the theatre.

Bad lighting, but left to right there's: me, Debbie Maslowsky, Tim Gledhill, Kyle Blair, Naomi Costain, Dean Paul Gibson, Nadine Rodin, Deann deGruijter and Thom Allison

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