And then, moments later, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of seeing triple !
Introducing, The Scarlettes...
I feel just like Diana Ross
And speaking of Diana Ross,....Anuar, our dresser, decided, in his quiet, Malay way, to contribute to the daily back-stage antics that keep us all entertained.
He prefers the early, small-hair version of Diana.And while we're having a Scar-fest,...
Family portrait.
One of these things is not like the others.
And, still on a Scar-ish theme, here is an article from the most recent issue of Sands Style Magazine. The last time I mailed one of these thick, glossy volumes to Canada, the postage was only slightly less than the cost of Fifth Avenue face lift. Hence, my decision to simply scan and post the article here. You should be able to click on the images to enlarge them and read the article.